Sales Funnels Part 1: Introduction
April 29, 2021

March 29th, 2021
How can make a machine that generates business cash? What is a funnel? How do sales funnels work? What are the most common mistakes businesses make with their funnels? Learn all of this and more on today’s episode of Extremely Valid Points.
Here are the 4 stages of a sales funnel creation:
- Phase 1: Funnel Strategy
- Phase 2: Execution
- Phase 3: Pack the funnel with great content
- Phase 4: CAMPAIGN!!!
Quick Links to content mentioned in the show:
Here’s a link to our funnel example:
2 must-read books if you’re looking to take a deep-dive into Sales Funnels:
“Marketing Made Simple” by Donald Miller
“Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen” by Donald Miller
A great intro guide for learning about CRO: