Co-Owner Nathan Solla Recognized by SBA Emerging Leaders Initiative

Co-Owner Nathan Solla recently received recognition from the Small Business Administration , The City of Fresno, and the United States Congress for the successful completion of the SBA’s Emerging Leaders Initiative. Nathan was among about a dozen other local business leaders who received recognition. The Awards Ceremony took place on Wednesday, October 30th at Hotel Piccadilly in Fresno. It was the culmination of the completion of a 7 month intensive program sponsored by the SBA.
According the the SBA, “The Emerging Leaders Initiative is an intensive executive-level series intended to accelerate the growth of high-potential small businesses in America’s underserved cities. Developed by SBA and drawing on the experiences of advisors and business leaders in urban communities across the country, this comprehensive curriculum provides the tools to catapult your company to the next level and help it emerge as a force in your community.”
Some of the highlights of the program include customized training for CEOs with “business sustainability”, a three-year strategic growth action plan with benchmarks and performance targets to help creates jobs and build communities, and specialized areas of training in Government Contracting, Growth Plans, Financing and Capital, and CEO Mentoring.
Nathan was selected for the program in February of 2019. During the course of the initiative, he spent 100+ hours attending classes, CEO Groups, and other activities.